Shootfest 001: The Wedding

Saturday, June 6, 2009 | |

Shootfest 001 was awesome!! Really glad to have met so many awesome people who are willing to share and learn from one another...I personally learned a lot from every single session.

Fiona's session was really enjoyable and a great way to kickstart the day. Really benefited from the detailed examples of the types of lenses used in different settings. Very comprehensive and helpful.

The "To Be Or Not To Be" session was also helpful in providing different perspectives on photography as a profession, and the different challenges faced when starting out full time or in juggling it with a full time job. To hear different ones share their stories and experiences was really great.

Both Mark & Alex's sessions were very practical and discussed areas of development that are essential yet sometimes so easily overlooked in developing one's self as a photographer...And the tweeter video was just hilarious!! U guys have no real friends...hahaha

As for Kenneth's session, I personally was very inspired and now have a clearer view of what applying the photojournalistic approach to weddings is all about. Very nice balance between the theoretical base given as well as the practical tips and examples that effectively drive home the point.

And what can I say, Pecha Kucha was simply hillarious!! Thanks Woody, Eeyean, Kee Sitt, John, Grace & Junz for sharing... I especially benefited from Kee Sitt's sharing on using video as a tool in promoting one's self as a photographer...never thought about that before until now.

And last but definitely not least, Jon and Mun Keat's sessions on lightroom and photoshop really helped provide an avenue to compare and learn about post-processing and improving digital workflow. Was definitely a good reminder for me as a guide and check to ensure that I'm heading in the right direction. Too bad it was running at the 'graveyard shift' where many people had left early or was tired from the long day, but it was still a great session nonetheless.

So yeah, that kind of sums up day 1 of Shootfest for me. Really learned and benefited so much from being a part of this great unconference!!

A shoutout to those who have worked so hard to make this happen. You know who you are. A big thank you guys for making it an awesome experience!!

Can't wait for tomorrow...

Photo by Mark Leo