Patch of Clay

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 | |

I'm so bad at blogging, I know...I'm sorry! Been busy traveling the whole of last month, shooting for the HDF campaign with Honda. That, coupled with the extremely short & hectic preparation for Easter leaves a man with little or no time to sleep, much less update his blog.

But it's over now...and it's all been worth it. The friends and comradeship gained through both projects more than makes up for all the crazy schedules and late nights, and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything else in the world.

Anyway, here's a sneak preview of some shots I took for the promotional material for our Easter play, 'Patch of Clay'...

Our star...'Bondi'

And his puppet sidekicks, the 'CoCaCi Sisters'

The little girl ...'Alice'

The evil 'Puppet Master'...Guess Who?

Nope, not a terrorist....the greedy 'Insurance Agent'

'Odem'...the law officer

Shots from the final scene...

And the happy ending...

That's all for now...Stay tuned for photos from the Honda roadshow... Also, a new & improved blog coming soon...